Saturday, March 6, 2010

This is getting silly

Just been doing my usual Saturday morning thing of having a cuppa and a fag whilst drooling over various motorbikes on eBay, when I spotted this gem... it's a luverly Vincent. A few years back they were up for grabs at around 15,000 quid. Then they crept up to 20. Then 25. Then 30ish. People reckoned they wouldn't climb much above that. But they did. Beats me who pays that much. The only people who can afford them are, presumably, old fogies like myself who, unlike myself, have loads of dosh stashed away in nest eggs and pension funds etc. Trouble is, we're mostly too damned old to ride the things. So the Vinnies get stashed away in centrally heated garages, possibly alongside other collected classic bikes (and maybe cars), where they're pampered as objets d'art. Can't imagine many of them ever get started (ever tried kicking over a 1000cc 'v' twin Vinnie?! - it's hard enough for a cauliflower-eared wugger bugger with legs like tree trunks, let alone alone a geriatric with a couple of hip replacements). But I could be wrong. Has been known. Come to think of it, I'm rarely right. So maybe these fabulously expensive machines are actually used for purpose by real enthusiasts who like nothing more than an open road, a throbbing beast between knobbly-kneed legs and a bunch of dead flies splattered across grinning dentures. Anyway, lost my jist. Er..., so there I was, drooling over this Vincent. Noticed there was just over a week to go with the bidding. Price was up to 4,500 odd quid. Seemed a bit low. Checked again. Specs must have been a bit grubby. Price was actually up to 45,000 smackeroonies! Whaaaaat?!!! Hellfire! Ahem, can't help thinking this whole Vinnie thing is getting a little out of hand. (Bidding ended at 48,250, reserve not met. Guessing reserve was set at 50k. Bonkers.)

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