Friday, July 12, 2019

Yamaha RD500LC

Must have been around 1984. I'd recently lashed out millions (not exactly, but to a young pauper such as I, it felt like it) on a brand new Yamaha RD350YPVS which was my pride and joy. Kept it indoors, parked in the hallway. On one of its first runs I rode it to work in Covent Garden. Parked it in an alleyway, did a hard day's graft and looked forward to riding it home. But..., it'd been nicked. Felt bad, gutted, physically sick, almost suicidal. Luckily the bike was insured against theft. And luckily they paid up. Lesson learnt. In future park more sensibly in open view and invest in a top-notch lock (this was before bike nicking really took off in London).

As a replacement motorcycle I naturally thought same again. But, as luck would have it, there were press rumours that Yamaha were about to launch a V4 RD500LC which was being marketed as a road-legal version of their fabulous V4 racers as ridden by my hero Kenny Roberts. Soon as I twigged that the rumours were true I whizzed down to Portman Motorcycles in Guildford (where I'd bought the nicked RD350) and begged them to get me one of the RD500s whenever they arrived in the UK. Told them my sob story about having my bike nicked. Must have taken pity on me because they promised I'd be top of their list. True to their word, a few weeks later I rode my brand new RD500 from their Guildford showroom to my Southfields gaff, gently running in that magnificent engine while tingling with excitement at owning one of the world's most desirable bikes.

Interesting to note that examples of this machine are now being advertised for around £16k or more (I spotted a rebuilt Marlboro RD500 advertised for £23k but I guess it won't sell at that price). Interesting also to note that Suzuki followed Yamaha's lead and soon launched their race replica: the RG00. Although the Suzi was faster, I much preferred the Yam. Still do.

Sept 2021 - Two good 'uns for sale, both 1985: 19137 kms (11891 miles) in London dealership for £21989 and one in France for €18500 (about £17200) with 39500 kms (about 23000 miles).


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